The RAYHART RUNDOWN BIRTHDAY! Thank you everyone for listening over the past year! In this episode we... ...decide we need city scooters. ...time travel back to the days of Kmart. ...find Burger King employees that have it th...
In this episode we... ...discuss apartment wall thickness and living downtown. ...learn how libraries are for lonely people. ...see who is screwed in an apocalypse. ...debate doing an STD Ad campaign for $25,000? ...wish to g...
In this episode we... Hollywood publicity stunts. ...made our Mom watch Jackass 2. ...find the worst material for underwear. a game with Comcast phone support. ...hear stories of Adams tech days. Filth...
On this episode we... ...learn how Adam is a Venmo Hooker! ...hear how Adam creeps out neighbors. ...suspect Bob is a snob. into people we really don't know. ...get bored quickly with Hollywood gossip. ...find out abou...
In this episode we... ...discuss Voice acting. ...give a correction about Secret Squirrel. ...discuss the winner or winners of our SOL contest. ...find out about Ted the TV show! ...hear how Batman is mandated to be a selfish...
In this episode we... ...see pics form the set of Marvels Moonknight! ...throwback and dig up some Florida Man stories! ...slug out a discussion about the Mayweather fight. ...learn some new slang from our old friend The Urba...
In this episode we... ...discuss sidewalk etiquette. ...find a new Netflix cartoon show about America?! ...learn Disney secrets and what they are plotting! about Theme parks forced perspectives. ...find photos from Hu...
In this episode we... ...complain about snoring and getting old. ...hear about Adam at a casino. ...Rehash an old shame of Life card. ...discuss Hollywood shows that are soon to release. ...explain the cost of filming and blo...
In this episode we... ...discuss where to go on vacation. Filthy Trivia about Fruit Flies! ...dive into Gwyneth Paltrow's Vagina (smelling candle). The Shame of Life: "Describe the sound an erection would make...
In this episode we... ...discuss the DMV ...get vaxed and relaxed ...try to convince Adam to stop smoking ...remember back when we could drink hangover free ...discuss changes thanks to 2020 ...learn how are family is nothing...
In this episode we... ...hear about Bob's over reaction to Mortal Kombat. about Ryan Reynolds next move? ...find out about a new Flintstones animation? ...discuss singers who want to be comedians. ...learn about diffe...
In this episode we... ...find out about a bad hashtag. the Josh vs Josh vs Josh fight. ...discuss the new Mortal Kombat Movie. ...listen to Bob brag about "knowing what was gonna happen" on Falcon and The Winter Sold...
In this episode we... ...learn a little about Marvel Shows. ...discuss Seth MacFarlane's projects. ...look into Bob's casting call emails. ...hear about movies Adam can't wait for. our favorite game: The Shame of Life...
In this episode we... ...discuss a diet plan? ...debate electric cars. ...reminisce about old social media sites. ...ask a million dollar Office Space question. ...give opinions on Hollywood News. ...are shocked about a TikTo...
In this episode we.... what a UV Tattoo is! ...find out who was voted as the next celebrity president! ...find out why "What Would You Do?" won't film in Florida! ...discuss prank shows and road trip type films. ....
In this episode we... about Easter and Egg hunting! ...hear about Bob's Easter basket trauma. (and promote) The Shame Of Life Game ! ...answer weird questions from the internet!? ...debate some "would you rath...
In this episode we... about a Thunder Cats Movie. ...discuss why Jerry from Tom and Jerry is a dick. ...find our favorites on HBO Max and Hulu. ...find out what popular Movies turn 20 years old! for Josh Har...
In this episode we... ...have new music! (Special Thanks to the Honeycutt's !) ...discuss our ability to play musical instruments?! parenting from 1st born kid to youngest kid! ...find a way to get free Krispy Krem...
In this episode we talk about... update on Pepe Le Pew from Space Jam 2! ...some truth to crew pay on some Hollywood sets. ...Bob's first audition. ...a UK man who "Bonks" his toaster. Adam is traumatized by a Sh...
In this episode we talk about... ...tattoos and why Bam Margera was in the hospital. ...if Adam will shave his head for Patreon ? ...another Jumanji film? ...Burger King Tweets. ...Space Jam 2 and Pepe Le Pew. ...Adams tells ...
In this Episode we... ...have the Rayhart Twins Co-Host! about an old Mortal Kombat film that wasn't a film? ...dive into Kevin Smith's film universe. ...discuss living in different states. ...learn how Adam almost st...
In this episode we... ...find out what bartenders everywhere will need to fear! ...get an inside look at Samsung AR glasses. ...are creeped out by Armie Hammer . ...give you a rundown on new DC Universe movies. ...discuss mis...
In this episode we... ...dive into Video Game based movies on the horizon. ...reminisce about pagers and cellphones from the 90's . ...get disappointed by the new Gremlins announcement. ...find out what film shared the set wi...
In this episode we... ...learn about testing your butt for Covid-19. ...find out about a new Netflix/Ubisoft partnership series. ...hear Adam drop a little Viking knowledge. about Gamestop Stock...Stonks! ...find out ...