Tami Lee Boothby

Tami Lee Boothby Profile Photo

Actress / Producer

Tami Lee Boothby worked as a labor and delivery nurse for 16 years. She loved being a
nurse, yet always felt like there was something more she needed to do. After Tami went
through breast cancer and lost her mother & sister to breast cancer, she began public
speaking as a health advocate through her Arbonne business. She felt comfortable in
front of a camera, and when Carl Rimi asked if she had ever thought about acting, her
first thought was how rewarding it would be to portray a character that causes people
to have empathy for someone different than themselves.
Although late to the game, she landed supporting roles in WDED Dead in the Morning
and the film Making of Mary, before starting her lead role in iPossessed. Along with
acting, she was also an Executive Producer on iPossessed. She loved the entire process
of filmmaking and can see many more films in her future!

Sept. 27, 2022

Interviewing the stars of the iPossessed movie! - Ep. 101

We interview Carl Rimi and Tami Lee Boothby from the movie iPossessed, and get the scoop on behind the scenes production and how they are putting together a psychological thriller! So join us on a Rayhart Rundown Road Trip t...

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