Season 4 - Episode 76
00:00 In this Episode...
01:20 ...we go over the sports that seem more fun to watch.
03:35 ...Adam admits to love for Nascar!
06:08 ...the creepy story of working at The Daytona 500.
18:36 ...learn about the complete FAIL of the Meta-Verse concert.
32:09 ...a discussion of "retro" movies coming back.
32:09 90's music is coming back too.
34:31 ...Adam proposes a taste test challenge Wendy's VS Five Guys?
38:22 ...Super Secret Question: How did you imagine adulthood as a child and how does it compare to reality?
44:08 ...we play Filthy Trivia about how much CEO's earn in comparison to the average worker. (get ready to be pissed)
47:19 ...we pull a Shame of Life card about taxidermy that was held specifically for our YouTube episode.
52:21 ...the loss of a laundry hamper and a letter to its "New" owner.
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